Finally. You see the picture above? Ive been trying to find that picture for almost a year. I mean, I knew it was by Alfred Eisendstaedt, but I couldnt find a decent enough copy on the net. Now I have. Thank god.
Sherily is a pain in the buttocks at the moment, with the dance she's doing this saturday. Im practically forced into it, I dont really know why. I want to leave, but I just cant do it to her, not to sound big-headed or come off as show-boating, but I think she needs me there. Especially since Adruce and Tun wont be able to do it, due to their own problems. So, I guess, Im stuck with it.
Also, appreciation is common courtesy. thought everyone knew that.
On a side note, MIDTERM is coming up. creeping up. sneaking up. ambush.
Im prepared. in a sense.
OH, and I just realised that Ive succesfully ignored my recent emotional distress for the past three weeks HAHA. Probably from all the dancing. Now there's no more dancing. Just...emotional distress HAHA. sigh
Hahaha. You're stuck. I left. Haha.
Don't leave meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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