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idealistic. chivalrous. civil. sharp-witted. aristocratic. and a first-class potato couch.

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Sir, he's an orthodontist!"

After all that talk about guilt over last Week Of Shame , I ended up not going into school today. I got sick. 

Woke up, and Nazren was in my lounge, playing my 360. He went to his uni, and found out it was a federal territorial holiday HAHA. So, after realising what a dumbass(he's our dumbass) he is, he decided to drop by and have bfast with us. And the bfast was ridonkulous HAHA, seriously, the guy is a comedian and he doesnt even know it. Ironically, after a session of roti and laughter, I was fine. Im guessing its the whole 'laughter is the best medicine' concept, I dont know. 

BUT, at the end of the day, I picked up Perdagangan and started studying. Didnt want to end the night on a sour note(studying), so I played H&K:Escape From Guantanamo Bay on the dvd player, and it made me laugh. again. 

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