Can I just say, that today has to be one of the FUNNIEST, and IDIOTIC days I have ever had. Period. Muiz, Fitri, Irsyad and I decided to get together and have the usual daily routine at 15, and after, we go to Parade. It all started with Parade. Or more to the point, toys'r'us. Again.
Fitri, Irsyad and I spent at LEAST an hour and a half there. Playing with Lego. Alot of Lego. And plastic machine-guns. OH, and our new exciting discovery, these super-cool, voice-changing, audio Storm Trooper helmets. Serious shit. They rocked our socks off. Especially me and irsyad, we went all groupie on that thing.
We stumbled on the Lego assembling table thing, and our afternoon didnt look so glum. It was everyman for himself, pieces were everywhere, words were thrown at each other, people were shoved off their tiny, minuscule stools. All for good fun. And Fitri ended up making a Lego cross. WTF.
Using Fit's words: "Dude...too much...laughing gas...". We even met amir, tajeev, alfian, aliff, 'tham, muiz's pretty sister, SASQUATCH and her pose, and many more kind strangers.
At the end of the day, the gang was WRECKED. Resulting to siting on a bench, just so we could get a look at Her HAHAHA.
fit still looking, irsyad not giving a damn.
izzy's supposed 'fort'.
this is what you call: A lego fort.
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