My photo
idealistic. chivalrous. civil. sharp-witted. aristocratic. and a first-class potato couch.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Of bargain prices and Alan Moore,

Mr.Sri, our school english teacher and computer lab dude, has opened up his private collection of 20 years to the public(school), but at a price. a very cheap price.

At first, I was all stoked and excited, being an avid comic reader and fan myself. Went through his boxes of twenty years past and found alot of titles that really interested me. But, one that really tingled my spider-sense was Tom Strong. I mean, my god. I was hoping of getting it for my _____ next month, hinting to everyone I know and love HAHA. School was the last place I thought I'd find it. So, as of now, I am a proud owner and caretaker of Alan Moore's Tom Strong #1. Thank you, Mr. Sri you very very cool man.

Then, I started getting annoyed and pissed HAHA. People were coming in and out, rummaging through the boxes without a care in the world, looking for something colourful. sigh. I mean, people who dont even know the difference between Batman and Robin were picking 'em up and buying them just because they were either cheap, or 'had a nice cover', or even both. I saw so many valuable comics leave in the wrong hands. Dont get me wrong, I just want them to be appreciated the way they deserve to be.

But, if I hear the sentence; "Eh!? nice cover! I like the colours! I'm getting this!", one more time, I'm gonna crack.

If I've offended anyone in anyway, I'm sorry. Its just the way it is HAHA.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So, in commemoration of next week's release of the Transformers sequel, I felt like posting up the song that most probably led to me falling in love with the 80's HAHA.
This song was written and performed by Stan Bush, dont know who the hell he is, but he made one hell of a song.

For those who are not familiar with the cliche, stereotypical '80's rock anthem', then open your ears and listen well, cause this song will rock your world :D, if not then maybe your evening.

This song and I go waaaaay back. Back to the first time I watched this awesome movie when my dad introduced it to me. So, it's got sentimental value, plus it kicks ass. Listen and listen well, and get into the mood whilst I wait for next wednesday.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Its that time of the month.

That time of the month where an old lady who doesnt seem to own any self-control, or manners for that matter, shoves her hands into my mouth and turns my forehead into an arm-rest.

I'm talking about the dentist.

Just got back from my monthly appointment, retightened the grillz. As usual, I have a few days of oral anguish to look forward to, and if I'm lucky, a good strong week!. Sigh.

But, I'm used to it by now, so no biggie. Cant waste my time complaining. Should ignore it and just study. Hit the books.

Hmm, maybe I can whine a lil' bit. Just a lil'.

Friday, June 12, 2009

"An oral history of the Zombie War"

Good news, everyone. Actually, the good news may only apply to me, since I dont know anyone else who reads this book.

BUT, Max Brooks' best-seller, World War Z, signed up with a production company and they're on their way with the movie adaptation. Which is fucking amazing news, for me.

Reading the book, I can already imagine it played out on the big-screen, and let me tell you now, that it looks pretty mind-blowing. I stress on the word 'mind' since it literally is in my mind, but I know for a fact it'll be as good as the book.

Oh, and I'd like to take this opportunity to advertise this rich piece of modern literature to all you out there, and convert you guys into zombie-loving-genre people, like me haha. So, go out there, and grab this book. I SWEAR, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.

Max Brooks, you genius.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Alan Moore is a god,

..with a beard. 

Oh, whats that? My bday is next month? 
And what's this? a picture of Alan Moore's America's Best Comics creation; Tom Strong? 
What is it doing on my blog? HAHA. 

Friday, June 5, 2009



Thursday, June 4, 2009

Its been awhile,

Hey. It's me, Adrees. I dont know whats wrong with me lately for the past few weeks, but I just havent got the mood to blog. I wont say that's a bad thing, because I think the reason is because I've been involved with something else. Im consumed :) 

Enough about that, let's just get to the 'current emotional state' and 'how Ive been feeling lately' part of the blog:

Im currently as happy as I can be, and lately I've been smiling alot. 

I think that about sums it up in one sentence. I hope you enjoyed my pathetic attempt to recapture my blogging mood, if you didnt, there's always next time.