My photo
idealistic. chivalrous. civil. sharp-witted. aristocratic. and a first-class potato couch.

Monday, March 30, 2009


                                     Dheepan and I, with a vine. 
                                    in the woods. 

Leadership Camp was this previous weekend. And, on behalf of everyone that went; IT WAS AWESOME. period. 

I mean, everyone just had pure fun. No joke, there wasnt a single moment of depression in the camp. Well, actually, there were tons of jokes. 

Made new friends, got closer to current friends. 

Highlight of the camp would have to be the activites. Most importantly, hiking. in the jungle. That was fun. alof of fun. Walking around the jungle, with your friends? doesnt that sound fun?. 

As insanely fun it was, it was also productive. We really worked on our team-work capabilities, and polished 'em. I volunteered as team leader for Team 12, and I wanna give a big blog shout-out to all those MIDNIGHT-12 members HAHA. 

And now, its the only bad part of the camp; the reminiscing. Man, I just wish I was back in the dorm', with my uncomfortable bed and the gigantic BUGS(those motherfuckers). 

All in all, it was definitely an experience. Would love to do it again. Thanks, MR.JACOB. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


mind you, this is just cam-whoring. actual pictures are on the way.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

"keep the change"

I noticed that after Watchmen I ran out of things to blog about, usually I'd just post up another countdown. Man, that last sentence was pathetic. 

Maybe its just the holidays. its been a slow one. 

Anyways, got everyone's coin collection yesterday, and just poured 'em on the dinning table. Counted every cent, and the totaled amount came up to RM175. Dont trust my enthusiasim, my jaw dropped to the floor when my dad told me the number. 

So, heres yesterdays treasure..

Thursday, March 19, 2009


If I did a review for Taken, Im doing a limitless praise for WATCHMEN. 

This movie is probably the movie comic-lovers all over the world have only dreamt of. I mean, Watchmen is pop-culture at its best. Twenty-odd years its been on the movie-production shelf, not touched, not dared. Till Zack Snyder came in the form of a Messiah and took it upon himself to satisfy the needs of millions of people across the world, by making this movie good, and sticking to the book. And that, he did. 

People say that the movie is, flavourless and un-original, but whats the point when you already have the most celebrated graphic novel as the script? To ruin this masterpiece and play with it, is like wiping your ass with the book. Whats the point? 

Character Portrayal is 110 percent, casting couldnt be better. Zack Snyder did an amazing job by taking the book panel-by-panel and transfering it infront of the camera. I watched the movie, and I thought I was reading the graphic novel again. 

OH, and dont get me started on the music score. From Smashing Pumpkins to 99 Luftballons, felt like every scene, was an epic scene. 

But, Im not trying to say that to enjoy this move, you have to read the novel first; No, doesnt have to be that way. I mean, watching the movie is exactly like reading the novel anyways, so its perfect for those who dont even know who Alan Moore is. 

All in all, its one of those movies that made me warm-up my hands in anticipation. that good. 

orgasmic chilling electrifying mind-blowing jaw-dropping

Finally. Thank God. Hallelujah. Hoo-ray. Hoo-rah. Woo-Hoo. Sigh. 

I went. I watched. I awed. I stared. I whispered. I laughed. I smiled. I enjoyed. 

As you can tell, Ive succumb to the inevitable; WATCHMEN kicked (comic-adaptation) ass. 
Im not too sure what others think, but for me, watching Alan Moore's characters come to life definitely made me smile. broad.  No matter how predictable it was for me HAHA.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


two days late.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

long live briton...

...because they kick-ass in American comedy. 

Nothing beats an opening sequence with Simon Pegg doing a voice-over of the first scene. So, what Im trying to say is, this movie got my attention from the get-go. 

Simon Pegg plays Sidney Young, a disillusioned intellectual who wants nothing but to make into the 'glamour' life of Hollywood, but he's British. Which is probably the only reason why I wanted to watch this movie in the first place. Ive always loved Simon Pegg movies, they always have that british groggy-reality humour, and yet still keep classy and smart. its hard to do that. 

After a few hard drinks, Kirsten Dunst decides to get drunk and pukes in Simon's rental car, and all he replies with is a "Oh god! That is grim!". See why I love it?

So, watch this movie and learn to appreciate the english wit and humour that comes in a form of a ginger haired man. 

Also, Megan Fox gets wet in a pink dress, just to peak your interest.  

Online Muiz, we hardly knew ye'

muiz says:
yo wats up man
adrees says:
hey muiz.
adrees says:
hows it going?
muiz says:
its going fine
adrees says:
good good.
muiz says:
how bout u man
adrees says:
im good. actually, a little exhausted. been studying alot.
muiz says:
so wat have been u doing other then studying
adrees says:
adrees says:
nothing much. 
adrees says:
been paying attention to studies. 
muiz says:
cool man
adrees says:

muiz says:
muiz says:
adrees says:
muiz says:
going to tution ltr
adrees says:
oh okay.
muiz says:
my hols is like any other day except theres nop school
muiz says:
adrees says:
hahaha. is that a good thing?
muiz says:
yea it is atleast i will be studying
muiz says:
so wats new man
adrees says:
nothing. just waiting till we hang out on thursday. i need to FUCKING watch watchmen.
adrees says:
muiz says:
how r u 
muiz says:
it has been 3 days since i saw ur face
adrees says:
three days only???
muiz says:
plus today 4
adrees says:
i just answered that question. im good. just tired.
muiz says:
oh ok
muiz says:
u see my display pic(that msn display pic with the space shuttle)
muiz says:
i will wn 1 of those 1 day
muiz says:
adrees says:
super cool,man.
adrees says:
i'll own two.
muiz says:
and then i will fly to space 
adrees says:
muiz says:
and build a ome
muiz says:
adrees says:
in space?
muiz says:
muiz says:
muiz says:
when i get bored i will get back to earth and see u 
muiz says:
then go up there again
adrees says:
wow. you have dreams, man. 
adrees says:
wait. i'll make one too. and we can be space neighbours!
muiz says:
muiz says:
that will be cool
muiz says:
then i can save on petrol
adrees says:
adrees says:
and then, we can play anti-gavity futsal on the moon.
muiz says:
muiz says:
i will win
muiz says:
as usual
adrees says:
well, we dont know. we've never played antigrav futsal before hahaha
muiz says:


WATCHMEN countdown #11

                                                          "no comment" 

Thursday= hope. 

Monday, March 16, 2009

Watch, and love.


the Father decided to bring us all to watch Race To Witch Mountain today, for some unknown reason he's been looking forward to it. Cant blame him though, ended up being a good flick, in a family-laughs-together kind of way. And, coincidentally, I needed it. 

Also, on a very glorious side-note, got myself the continuation of the Marvel Zombies story arc. I dont care how nerdy I sound, but MZ2 definitely kicks ass in a whole different genre. BTW, I noticed Ive come off as abit emotional in previous post(s), so Im gonna keep on ranting about how good this novel makes me, just to sound normal again. maybe add this random smiley...=] 

One of the reasons why I and other comic-readers around the world love Marvel Zombies is because of one man: Arthur Suydam. His covers are just perfect for the graphic and the atmosphere of the novel.  

Well, I only come up with a comic related blog post once in a while, so dont worry. Wouldnt hurt (me) to have some more though. 

I leave you guys with my all-time favourite Suydam cover. and also another smiley


Sunday, March 15, 2009

WATCHMEN countdown #10


Sigh. Yeah, you guessed right. Yesterday didnt happen, short of a little thing called time. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

WATCHMEN countdown #9


I grow tire of this. I need to watch it. No matter what. This countdown, was just me stalling. And now, I cant take it anymore. 

Rev up the car, big brother! youre taking me to the movies. 


i cant help but want.   

Friday, March 13, 2009

WATCHMEN countdown #8


Ran out of Dr.Manhattan pictures, so decided to go with the most interesting character the novel has to offer; RORSCHACH- and if youre like me and dont want to spend ten minutes figuring out how its pronounced its: 'raw-shark'.  

Ive got a strong gut feeling that Rorschach's the hardest character to portray in the movie, so fingers crossed that they dont blow it. I cherish this character, in a sense that I'll remember him when Ive past my 30 years-of-age yard line and tell my grandkids of him.  

Thursday, March 12, 2009


"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." 

My movie-buff heart melted when I heard that oh-so instant classic dialogue. sigh. It's too good of a line. I mean, as short and non-appealing this may sound; that threat/resume signifies the whole damn movie. 

At first, I started the movie with the thought of watching Liam Neeson act. I like him. But, throughout the intro with the bday home-video flashbacks, I kept refering to him as QUI-GON. Little did I know, that he was going to kick Albanian ass with solid performance as an actor, on the side. And he did it really well, too. 

Even before the trigger of a gun could be seen on screen and things start to explode, Liam Neeson glued me to the screen. Seriously, he's a saint in the form of a performer for old aged actors who still have the 'action hero' still in 'em.  

Even though he's not Matt Damon from the Bourne trilogy,or Daniel Craig, but he's Liam Neeson in TAKEN. respect, liam. 

WATCHMEN countdown #7


I only have one statement in todays countdown: The Comedian looks like a bondage-fetish sex slave. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WATCHMEN countdown #6

                                                    "fuck you, usj12" 

Sigh. We had it. Right after that last sentence from the Government's reply speech; "We believe that Animal Entertainment is not cruel and it should not be banned". Everyone was in high spirits, even the usj12 audience lost hope in their own representatives. BUT, with some bad judgement on the Judges behalf, we lost. a lesser team was chosen over us. Seriously, they ranted on about irrelevant topics that werent even organised well! they were all over the debate floor!. sigh

In an alternate, parallel pocket universe somewhere out there, where everything is right and true...Subang Utama won that round. God speed, alternate universe SU. 

Other then being a melodramatic, Im relieved. I can finally get some sleep now. Without the worry of debate crushing my chest everytime I breathe.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

WATCHMEN countdown #5

                                         "suit up!"

Super-duper-uber busy with Debate. its tomorow. So, cramming every point, every perimeter, every freakin P.O.I into my small head. Decided to quickly post up an innocent post. Hence, Dr.Manhattan in a suit looking like an absolute god(concentrate on the thin layer of force to keep the rain from his lapel and everything nice HAHA. sigh. classic) at The Comedian's funeral. 

wish me luck. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Guru Josh Project"


WATCHMEN countdown #4


Still in the process of getting someone to go watch it with. Preferably someone that actually has some knowledge on Watchmen. Turns out, there are none. well, none that I know of. Last resort: single ticket. 

Friday, March 6, 2009

WATCHMEN countdown #3

 "Mars. the planet. seriously." 

Third in my countdown, and still going strong. unfortunately. 

Maybe, just maybe, there's a slight chance I'll witness my already favourite movie. Of 2009, tonight.   lets not go too far with '..of all time'

WATCHMEN countdown #2

     "Use protection. No matter how omnipotent you are" 

Second post in my daily countdown to WATCHMEN. This time, it's the scene where Dr.Manhattan and Silk Spectress get busy in the bedroom and discover the art of a classic Threesome. To the dismay of Silk Spectress. Obviously. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

WATCHMEN countdown

                 ...Dr.Manhattan is loud, well-endowed and proud.

Ok. I have nothing interesting to blog about. unless the idea of exams and debate practices excites you?. yeah, thought so. 

Due to my current dilemma, Ive decided to post a picture of Dr.Manhattan from WATCHMEN every day, till the day I watch it with my own two human eyes. And NO, I'm not gonna post up Billy Crudup pictures, but the real ones. The ones that won the Hugo. AFTER I watch the movie, THEN its Billy Crudup's time. 

So, till its Billy's 'Zack Snyder' censored version, feast your holy eyes on some 1986, pop-culture icon, nuclear powered genitals. seriously, the guy is naked, refer to the above illustration. bye