Dheepan and I, with a vine.
in the woods.
Leadership Camp was this previous weekend. And, on behalf of everyone that went; IT WAS AWESOME. period.
I mean, everyone just had pure fun. No joke, there wasnt a single moment of depression in the camp. Well, actually, there were tons of jokes.
Made new friends, got closer to current friends.
Highlight of the camp would have to be the activites. Most importantly, hiking. in the jungle. That was fun. alof of fun. Walking around the jungle, with your friends? doesnt that sound fun?.
As insanely fun it was, it was also productive. We really worked on our team-work capabilities, and polished 'em. I volunteered as team leader for Team 12, and I wanna give a big blog shout-out to all those MIDNIGHT-12 members HAHA.
And now, its the only bad part of the camp; the reminiscing. Man, I just wish I was back in the dorm', with my uncomfortable bed and the gigantic BUGS(those motherfuckers).
All in all, it was definitely an experience. Would love to do it again. Thanks, MR.JACOB.