Look at me.
It's as if I'm totally new to this...thing.
I mean, I was only gone for two weeks, thats all, no biggie...
...but, it felt like a lifetime :|
Well, my attempt for an intro that has everything almost worked. HEY, EVERYBODY. HELLO. GUTEN TAG. BON JOUR. APA KHABAR. I COME IN PEACE. etc
I'm back from the Land Of The Golden Arches. Two week break under the beaming sun of LA, and misty atmosphere of San Fran'. Not to mention San Diego. It was GREAT, and I mean it, but all good things come to an end, right?.
Do not fret, since I bagged alot of 'souvenirs', I mean alot. I mean, alot-alot.
I. should. be. pronounced. dead. in. a. few. minutes. flight. for. more. then. 15. hours. pictures. will. upload. later. buh...bye.